Welcome to ACE Cardiff

ACE Cardiff works with children and adults to improve their quality of life through an appreciation of learning – whether that be through help with core skills of literacy and numeracy, improved communication skills or appreciation of reading, music and the arts.


We are recruiting for a new Trustee Treasurer. Interested?

Take a look at our advert on Volunteering Wales.



Our News & Announcements

Creative Catch-ups

During June, our Community Development team ran several creative activity sessions for parents at Grange Pavilion. The idea arose during our holiday craft activities for children when the parents noted that they had really enjoyed getting involved as well, and would...

Community Development at ACE – Sabina Islam

In this blog we hear again from Sabina Islam, one half of our Community Development team, who talks about her experience after being in the role now for nearly 4 months. Personally, this role has presented me with many new opportunities.  It has been a refreshing...

ACE Venn

The Learning Club

ACE Cardiff’s Learning Club has been supporting young people in the Butetown and Grangetown areas of Cardiff since 2010. We work, in partnership with others to make sure that our sessions are enjoyable, exciting and engaging.

We feel it’s important that we help young people to:

• have a ‘safe learning environment’
• solve problems
• overcome confidence issues,
• experiment with their learning
• build relationships within and outside their communities


Adult ESOL Classes

ACE Cardiff found that, in some cases young people were coming with parents who had difficulty with the English language and wanted support for themselves. Consequently, we started English lessons for parents. We continue to respond to local need, meeting gaps in provision by offering classes in the Butetown and Ely areas of Cardiff

If you would be interested in this or know someone who may benefit from such opportunities, please go to the ESOL* page on our website by clicking here.

*ESOL means ‘English for Speakers of Other Languages’.


Volunteering with ACE Cardiff

We rely upon our volunteers to deliver these exciting sessions and offer them a unique opportunity to learn or reinforce their teaching skills. ACE Cardiff is committed to supporting its volunteers through its’ programme of In-house training and social opportunities! Why not come and join us? Please click here to find out more, or contact us for more information…